Posts in Rails
Migrate from MySQL to PostgreSQL (Rails)
rails, postgresql
Rails 7.1 - migrate from secrets.yml to credentials.enc.yml [Short]
Rails Mrsk Deployment - Migrating from Ansible-Capistrano like to Single-Host Docker deployment using Mrsk
rails, docker, devops
Rails: Cleanup after a big rewrite - find unused views, Javascript assets, routes, translations, Ruby files
rails, vite
Rails 7 review and Rails 7.1 preview - presentation slides from Ruby User Group Frankfurt
rails, ruby, presentation
Dev-Links #18 - Ruby / Rails
ruby, rails, links
Quickly Migrate off - Vendor all source files
rails, javascript
Improving Typescript experience in Rails by generating a Typescript schema from Rails models (with enums and associations)
rails, typescript, javascript
Dev-Links #14 - Ruby/Rails
ruby, rails, links
Previewing Rails 7 upcoming changes
rails, ruby
Growing Rails - Utilizing Form Models for complex validations or side effects
rails, ruby
Endless Scroll / Infinite Loading with Turbo Streams & Stimulus
rails, stimulus, js
Dev-Links #13 Ruby/Rails
ruby, rails, links
Gitlab CI with Docker - Test and deploy Rails apps
rails, gitlab, docker, server, pludoni, guide
Fix Sidekiq loading problem: Cannot define multiple included blocks for a Concern
rails, sidekiq, ruby, fix
Deploying Rails with Ansible with Dresden-Weekly toolbox (PostgreSQL, RVM, Sidekiq, Passenger)
ansible, rails, server
Fix sass-rails deprecation warning
rails, ruby, english
Bookmarks in october 2013
ruby, english, german, rails, javascript, dresden, server, docker, links
Free eBook: Upgrading to Rails 4
rails, english, ebook
Intro on making a Javascript widget (example using Rails)
javascript, guide, english, rails, eventchart
Rails: Quick overview of licenses in used Gems
rails, english
Improve mailing: Always send bulk E-Mails with SPF and DKIM
server, rails
Rails: Test all your static pages for success and missing translations easily
rails, english
rails.vim new feature - custom gem projections for faster navigation - resque, activeadmin, carrierwave, cells. draper
vim, rails, english
Vim: sane & fast auto completion and common issues
vim, rails, english
Rails Mountable Engine - Useful starting point with rspec, factory girl and friends
notes, external, rails, english
Installing and compiling Sphinx edge with Libstemmer support for German, French, etc....
notes, external, rails, sphinx, english
Frameworkunabhängige Fehlerberichtung mit PHP und Redmine
pludoni, external, php, rails, german
spree ecommerce: setting default locale to German and stuff
notes, external, rails, english