Gitlab + Hetzner S3: Migrate Omnibus Gitlab CE storages to new Hetzner S3
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ZUGFeRD/X-Rechnung: create required XML+PDF invoice format for EU compliance for 2025 in Ruby + Ghostscript
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Rails: add maintenance (read-only) mode to move everything off to a new server
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Postfix + ActionMailbox - integrating into existing postfix server by using aliases + curl command
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Using 'Packs' (a.k.a Packwerk) as code organization / Engine alternative' - Starting point and recipes
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Speed up Rails/Rspec test by parallelization + asset pre-precompile + Gitlab-CI/Coverage integration
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Extracting 2FA codes from the abandoned 'Authenticator Plus' (ios)
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Rails cronjobs - Moving from Whenever to Sidekiq-cron (With ActiveJob)
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Rails/ActiveStorage: Client-Side encryption with Amazon S3 & dynamic service switching
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My media consumption and recommendations in 2023 - movies, games, books
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Migrate from MySQL to PostgreSQL (Rails)
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Rails 7.1 - migrate from secrets.yml to credentials.enc.yml [Short]
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Dev-Links #22 - Ops/DevOps/SRE links
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Dev-Links #21 - Ruby & Rails
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Dev-Links #20 - Development process links & Software tools
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Retrofitting a DI2 hydraulic on my road bike
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Rails Mrsk Deployment - Migrating from Ansible-Capistrano like to Single-Host Docker deployment using Mrsk
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Rails: Cleanup after a big rewrite - find unused views, Javascript assets, routes, translations, Ruby files
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Rails 7 review and Rails 7.1 preview - presentation slides from Ruby User Group Frankfurt
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Rails 7.1 preview of new features
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Migrating from (Rails) Webpack(er) to Vite
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Bike build update: Aliexpress build after 3,000 km - The good, the bad, the ugly
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Bike build: New All-Road bike (Sourced mostly from Aliexpress)
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My Web Stack For 2022 - Rails + Inertia + Vue3 + Tailwind
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Dev-Links #17 - (N)Vim
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Quickly Migrate off Rails-assets.org - Vendor all source files
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Improving Typescript experience in Rails by generating a Typescript schema from Rails models (with enums and associations)
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Dev-Links #16 - Devops/Server links
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Dev-Links #15 - JS & Tools/Software
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Dev-Links #14 - Ruby/Rails
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Previewing Rails 7 upcoming changes
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Bike Accessories bought on Aliexpress - Part 2 - Bags, Accessories & Lights
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Bike Accessories bought on Aliexpress - Part 1 - Clothes
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Growing Rails - Utilizing Form Models for complex validations or side effects
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Dev-Links #13 Ruby/Rails
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Dev-Links #12 - JS/Frontend & development process
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Dev-Links #11 - Ruby/Rails/Software links for december/january
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Free SaaS simple billing system on Google Sheets with Print-To-Pdf (Apps Script)
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Dev-Links #8 - Ops & stuff
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Rails - Custom copy per customer / user through I18n
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PostgreSQL (Rails) - Reverse search (tagging, subscription)
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Dev-Links #8 - Rails
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Developer Links oct - Javascript
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Developer Links oct - Ruby & Software
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Internationalize a medium Rails App with Vue frontend effectively with tooling
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Migrating IPConfig mail accounts and passwords to Mailinabox
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Developer Links VI - mostly Ruby stuff found over the summer
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Developer Links Season 2, Issue 5
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Developer Links Season 2, Issue 4
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Developer Links Season 2, Issue 3
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Developer Links Season 2, Issue 2
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Developer Links Season 2, issue 1
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Simple but realistic Elasticsearch load test before deploying
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Integrating Javascript/Vue I18n into Rails missing/auto translate pipeline
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Sentry Error Tracking Part II: Integration with Rails, Webpacker source maps and release deploy
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Sentry Error Tracking Part I: Self hosted docker and SAML/Mattermost integration
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Migrating Gitlab Omnibus instance to new server
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Upgrading to Rails 5.2 (6.0) - Notes
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Gitlab Runner autoscaling infrastructure on Hetzner Cloud with Terraform
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2018 - My year in code - experiences and technologies used
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ActiveStorage - migrating from Carrierwave attachment
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Active Storage - Migrate between providers, from local to amazon
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Shadowsocks quick guide for restricted internet environments (updated)
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Rails + Webpacker + Vue.js
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Auto code style comments with Gitlab and Pronto/Rubocop
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ProTip: Install Rubygems in China
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Using Rails 5 new renderer with Clearance and Devise
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Blog migration: From Jekyll to Middleman
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Deploying Rails with Ansible with Dresden-Weekly toolbox (PostgreSQL, RVM, Sidekiq, Passenger)
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OSX: Software recommendations (2015)
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Mein side-project HRfilter.de
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Bookmarks in october 2013
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Rails: Quick overview of licenses in used Gems
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Improve mailing: Always send bulk E-Mails with SPF and DKIM
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Installing and compiling Sphinx edge with Libstemmer support for German, French, etc....
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Installing Ruby 1.9.3 (in a usable state)
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Apache Proxy Pass -> Custom 503 Error Document
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Mysterious double POST Requests in Rails 3.1 with ActiveAdmin
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Mysterious double POST Requests in Rails 3.1 with ActiveAdmin
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Using Apache2 to route http from domain/subdomain to port 3000 server
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Using Apache2 to route http from domain/subdomain to port 3000 server
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Ruby: Find all special chars in String (umlauts etc)
Plesk's qmail does not start after update of kernel
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Plesk's qmail does not start after update of kernel
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The Totally Unofficial Ruby coding style guide
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