Posts in External
Jenkins CI-Server mit Rails, Capistrano deployment und Tonnen von Statistik
pludoni, external, german
Hyphenation via css now works!
notes, external, css, english
Stabile SSH-Verbindung von unterwegs
pludoni, external, linux, german
Rails Mountable Engine - Useful starting point with rspec, factory girl and friends
notes, external, rails, english
Installing and compiling Sphinx edge with Libstemmer support for German, French, etc....
notes, external, rails, sphinx, english
Installing Ruby 1.9.3 (in a usable state)
notes, external, ruby, english
Frameworkunabhängige Fehlerberichtung mit PHP und Redmine
pludoni, external, php, rails, german
Apache Proxy Pass -> Custom 503 Error Document
notes, external, apache, english
spree ecommerce: setting default locale to German and stuff
notes, external, rails, english
Code-Qualität durch Testgetriebene Entwicklung nachhaltig erhöhen
pludoni, external, personal, tdd, rails, german
Easy XML-Sitemap with Rails
notes, external, rails, english
Easy ruby Tagcloud calculation and generation script from array
notes, external, ruby, english
Loading google maps v3 asynchronously/dynamically
notes, external, javascript, ruby, english
formtastic - multiple forms with check boxes leads to double used html id
notes, external, rails, english
Apache2 - transparent proxy to another Server domain/subdomain
notes, external, server, english
Mysterious double POST Requests in Rails 3.1 with ActiveAdmin
notes, external, rails, english
Rake: Install from local Gem-Dev-Dir as a remote global gem
notes, external, ruby, english
Win - using Autohotkey to switch to VM instead
notes, external, ubuntu, english
Rails schickt Mails zweimal wenn man sendmail verwendet / Rails sent mails twice when using sendmail
notes, external, rails, english
Using Apache2 to route http from domain/subdomain to port 3000 server
notes, external, apache, ruby, english
Google Reader Compact Minimal For Small Screen for Greasemonkey
notes, external, english
Rails 3.1 Assets: Own javascripts and css independent of application manifest
notes, external, english
js - How to prevent embedding my web page inside an iframe? - Stack Overflow
notes, external, javascript, english
PHP-Shell, IRB-like - facebook/phpsh
notes, external, english
Ruby: Find all special chars in String (umlauts etc)
notes, external, ruby, english
Plesk's qmail does not start after update of kernel
notes, external, english
Plesk install on Ubuntu server - "It seems there is a user with UID=110 in this system" error | A life to learn
notes, external, plesk, english
fail2ban - unban ip
notes, external, server, english
Using Drush to encapsulate operation inside a drupal maintenance mode
notes, external, drupal, english
ActiveRecord DangerousAttributeError: changed? is defined by ActiveRecord
notes, external, rails, english
Layer Styles
notes, external, css, english
Pandoc - About pandoc
notes, external, latex, english
Adventures with bundler rvm capistrano
notes, external, ruby, english
Rails: NoMethodError (undefined method `type_cast_code' for nil:NilClass)
notes, external, rails, english
Installing vim 7.3 and gvim on Ubuntu/Debian
notes, external, vim, linux, english
Plesk + PHP - Activate Error Reporting
notes, external, plesk, php, english
Condensed overview over shell commands for all POSIX Shells
notes, external, bash, english
Bash: Ctrl+X Ctrl+E opens current line in default editor (vim, emacs, nano,...)
notes, external, bash, english
LaTex: Switch from article to report/book - replacing section with chapter
notes, external, bash, latex, english
The Totally Unofficial Ruby coding style guide
notes, external, ruby, rails, german
Verzögerungsbenachrichtigung für Parallels Plesk Panel-Key-Update - Server Support Forum
notes, external, plesk, german
Plesk + Passenger + Rails (+SSL)
notes, external, ruby, apache, server, plesk, german
"Webservice" für automatisierte Screenshots von Webseiten mit PHP und Webkit
pludoni, external, php, german
Codeanalyse mit dem PHP Messdetector (phpmd)
pludoni, external, php, german
Entwicklerteam wächst: Wir begrüßen Martin
pludoni, external, german