This month, we started to use in our company for daily office presence, which I find pleasant to use and more easy to chat with collegues. Besides, I’ve started to really use Typescript for some production code now.
Ruby & Rails
Exports Rails URL helpers to TypeScript, inspired by js-routes - bitjourney/ts_routes-rails
Turbo gives you the speed of a single-page web application without having to write any JavaScript. - hotwired/turbo-rails
⚛️ REST services accelerator: Rails gem providing an easy, active-record-like interface for http (hypermedia) json services - local-ch/lhs
JackTrip software allows musicians to sync performances online | Stanford News
A longstanding software program for online music playing has been optimized for slower, home-based internet connections.
A collaborative web application (virtual office) presented as a 16-bit RPG video game - thecodingmachine/workadventure
“Virtual” 2D-Office for teams, also able for self-hosting and connecting a Jitsi instance
Qbserve - Automatic time tracker for Mac
Qbserve keeps track of what you do on your Mac and provides constant feedback on your productivity. This way you can stay focused and develop better habits. It automatically tracks work hours and can generate invoices based on the collected data. No need to remember to start and stop time tracking. Try it for free!
Always forget about that gem and then forced to implement sorted lists from all kinds from scratch